Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Jail

So Kaylee started crawling on Ian's birthday, May 27. Within two weeks, she got VERY GOOD at it. Within another week, she crawled so fast that I could hardly keep up with her, and I couldn't set her down without following her every move. So I was having a hard time to get anything done.

Complicating that matter was the fact that at about the same time, Kaylee figured out how to get out of her walker. I was in complete shock one evening, as immediately after I set her in her walker to go get a drink, she gave me a look (most parents will know the LOOK), reached her little arms over the walker's tray, grabbed the edge in her little chubby hands, and heaved herself out using her arm and stomach muscles. After we got over the shock, we laughed our butts off and knew we were in big trouble.

We had to get a gate. Not just ANY gate, but a BIG gate. Our living room is the simplest room to baby proof, and the TV is in there (she LOVES television!), so we had to get a gate 6 feet wide! The simplest and least expensive solution was to buy a dog gate.

So here is the new Kaylee Containment System. Not sure yet how we're going to circumvent Kaylee with the simple open/close mechanism once she figures it out... but we will (very soon!) have to install a plastic shield on the inside of the door with some cable ties or something, as there is a pet door there and she will eventually figure out that she can use it to climb up the gate.

This gate is nice and high though - higher than her crib rails with the mattress dropped to the lowest setting. I hope she doesn't start climbing out of that anytime soon...

The new gate. We actually have the joints locked, but
Kaylee is strong enough to bend it out of square, so it
looks a little crooked here, because it's somewhat flexy.

Sometimes Kaylee likes to shove her legs
through the gate and visit with us while
we are doing stuff in the kitchen.

Sometimes she just yells. :)

Starting to get a little perturbed...

Hi everybody! Can anyone come
and open this door for me?

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