Monday, January 18, 2010

Quick Update

Kaylee had a checkup and shots appointment last week - just thought I'd share her stats and start uploading the movies I've been talking about.

So as of 1/7/10, Kaylee is:

32 1/2 inches tall (90th percentile)
22 lbs. 14 oz. (45th percentile)
and her head circumference is 47 cm (75th percentile).

So she is long and lean - she burns it off as soon as I give it to her. Her numbers are pretty consistent from visit to visit though, so nothing to worry about. All I know is she's so wiggly that it's hard to carry her up and down the stairs now. Forget carrying a few grocery bags AND Kaylee at the same time...

There should be a big change this summer when she'll learn how to walk up and down the stairs... so far the stairs are too big for her, she can crawl up and down just fine, but they're too big to step up and down for her.

Oh, did I mention it's now January 18, and I am JUST taking my tree down? Well, it's undecorated now... but anyhow, we love it, so that's all that matters, right?

Kaylee LOVED checking out the tree, especially wanting
to touch all the glittery balls. She always had glitter on
her fingers through this Christmas season...

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